15 October 2024
Notice to Members of Potential Data Compromise - Update
Update 17th January 2025 - We are delighted to confirm that none of our member data was compromised in the recent cyber attack on one of our suppliers.
There are plenty of active scammers out there. We advise members to continue to be vigilant to avoid fraud on your accounts. Do not give out any information on the phone, like your personal PIN no. for your online credit union account, or your IBAN no. for your accounts or anything that could be used to access your online account. Do not click on any links in texts or emails if you are not expecting anything. If you have any doubts at all, simply delete the text or email, or hang up the phone and call us directly on 0818 297 007.
Notice: October 2024
We would like to notify members that one of our suppliers may have been the subject of a cyber attack. This has been published in the media.
We are currently not aware that any of our member data has been compromised. We will inform members immediately if we become aware that any individual member data has been affected.
In the meantime, as always, we advise our members not to click on any links in emails or texts, and not to give out any account information or PIN numbers to people who phone you and request this information. We will never ask you for PIN numbers or personal account information on the phone.
If you are unsure about anything or have any suspicions, hang up and phone us directly on our landline 0818 297 007.