03 March 2025
Seeking volunteers
Do you have time to volunteer with your credit union?
We are seeking volunteers from our members for our Board and Board Oversight Committee. Nominees will be placed on our panel of volunteers and will be co-opted to our Board or Board Oversight Committee (BOC) as vacancies arise over the coming year or at our AGM. You may also volunteer if you are currently not a member of the credit union but live or work in the Lucan or Adamstown areas.
Our credit union is governed by our members. People just like you. We need members to step up and volunteer, even for a couple of years, to oversee the running of the credit union on behalf of our members.
Why Volunteer to join the Board or Board Oversight Committee?
- You will extend your skills and credentials in leadership, governance, strategy, and finance
- You will enlarge your network by meeting and working with other professionals
- You will improve your visibility and impact - add this role to your CV and Linkedin profile along with your new skills
- You can give back to your credit union and the wider community
- You can take part in our education programme and earn a recognisable and fully transferable qualification as you serve.
The Education Programme
All Board and BOC members may take relevant courses with the LIA or IOB. You could work towards the QFA (Qualified Financial Advisor) or take other courses or modules to complement your existing qualifications. The credit union is happy to cover the cost of these courses per the Board approved Education Programme.
We are also happy to consider any other relevant courses that you may like to take in the areas of HR, law, risk management, compliance, finance, marketing or other. As long as the course is relevant to the credit union and will add value to the governance of the credit union.
Expected Time Commitment
We expect that the total monthly time commitment will be approx. 6 hours per month. This includes reading the documents in the Board pack in advance of the meeting, attending the Board meeting, reading other relevant documents, training, attendance at the AGM (Annual General Meeting), and ad hoc meetings agreed by the Board. There may be additional time needed should you serve on a Board committee. This does not include any additional study that you undertake.
We do ask that volunteers have the time to commit to attending all of the meetings and training sessions throughout the year.
If you have some time that you could give as a volunteer and would like to be placed on the panel, please complete the nominations form available at the link below, complete and email to help@lucancu.ie with the subject 'Nomination for the Board', drop into the Finnstown Office, or post to:
The Nominations Committee
Lucan District Credit Union
3 The Mall
Co Dublin
K78 E625
Lucan District Credit Union Ltd. is an equal opportunity employer. We operate a policy of diversity and inclusion.