Notice and Term Deposits available now

Notice and Term Deposits

We now have several savings options available for members. We continue to offer our main savings or share account and on-demand deposit account. Members may now avail of a 90-day notice account, and 1,3 and 5 year term deposit accounts. This gives you the opportunity to earn a better return on your savings. Ask us about these deposit accounts today.


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Unit-linked Savings & Investments

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The notice and term deposit accounts and the current interest rates are listed in the table below with more information about each product below the table. For full terms and conditions of each product, please see the individual application form which are available in the Finnstown office or can be downloaded through the PDF links below (new applications forms available shortly).

Members can save by lump sum, instalment, or a combination of both up to the limit of each account. This is your account, your way, so you can stop and start payments to suit you. However, you can only access the funds held in the account on the maturity of the deposit or on expiry of the required notice period.

The interest will be paid once per year, on the last working day of September. The prevailing DIRT rate will be deducted unless you have an exemption and have completed form DE1, available from the Finnstown office or from

All members are subject to maximum savings of €100,000 across all savings accounts in the credit union.

The current interest rates will be displayed in our Finnstown Office and are currently as set out in the table below:

Deposit type

Interest rate per annum

Interest rates reviewed October each year

Access to funds

On-demand deposit

0.10% (AER 0.10%)


Full access to your funds

90-day notice deposit

0.80% (AER 0.80%)


Full access to funds with 90 days written notice

1-year term deposit

1.75% (AER 1.75%)


Access only after 12 months

3-year term deposit

2.25% (AER 2.25%)


Access only after 36 months

5-year term deposit

3.00% (AER 3.00%)


Access only after 60 months

Download Application Forms and T&C

90-Day Notice Deposit

This deposit is for those that want to keep their funds accessible within 3 months but would like to earn a little interest. You can only access the funds on the expiry of 90-days written notice. There is no end date on this account.

The interest rate is variable and is paid once per year on the last working day of September. The limit of savings that may be held in this account is €10,000.

1-year Term Deposit

This deposit is for 1 years (12 months) and the funds will not be accessible until the deposit matures. You can save by lump sum, instalment, or a combination of both. You may also stop and start saving into the account throughout the term.

The interest rate is variable and is paid once per year on the last working day of September. The limit of savings that may be held in this account is €30,000.

3-year Term Deposit

This deposit is for 3 years (36 months) and the funds will not be accessible until the deposit matures. You can save by lump sum, instalment, or a combination of both. You may also stop and start saving into the account throughout the term.

The interest rate is variable and is paid once per year on the last working day of September. The limit of savings that may be held in this account is €30,000.

5-year Term Deposit

This deposit is for 5 years (60 months) and the funds will not be accessible until the deposit matures. You can save by lump sum, instalment, or a combination of both. You may also stop and start saving into the account throughout the term.

The interest rate is variable and is paid once per year on the last working day of September. The limit of savings that may be held in this account is €30,000.